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Agenor Blog / consultancy (2)

by Steve Black, on Jun 10, 2022 4:08:54 PM

Steve Black, Programme Director at Agenor Technology reflects on his approach to delivering Digital Transformation Programmes in the FE Sector over the past 2 years … Delivering successful Digital Transformation …

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Topics:consultancydigital transformationtechnologymicrosoftsupportdigital innovationtrusted partnerproject deliveryfurther education sector

by Steve Black, on Jul 13, 2020 10:00:00 AM

Agenor’s European Delivery Services have been working with a key financial services client located in Amsterdam, Netherlands to provide Deskside Infrastructure and Application Support for a new Trader Floor function …

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Topics:Stakeholder Managementconsultancyoutcomebasedtimeandmaterialsdigital transformationtechnologymicrosoftSharePointsupportsupport desktrading floor

by Steve Cannon, on Jun 22, 2020 4:31:38 PM

At Agenor Technology we are specialists in solution design and architecture. With our forensic attention to detail minimising customer impacts we can ensure the end-to-end delivery of value to customers …

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Topics:Stakeholder Managementconsultancyoutcomebasedtimeandmaterialsdigital transformationtechnologymicrosoftSharePoint

by Chris Barr, on May 27, 2020 2:24:33 PM

Firstly, a quick recap - regression testing assures that code changes introduced to software haven't altered or broken the already existing functionality. While a feature on every project, it is …

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Topics:Stakeholder ManagementTesting Servicesconsultancyoutcomebasedtimeandmaterials

by Alan Campbell, on Apr 16, 2020 1:13:48 PM

One of the most important tasks in a Test Manager’s role is to ensure that senior stakeholders receive the most relevant Management Information (MI) on a regular basis throughout the …

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Topics:Stakeholder ManagementTesting Servicesconsultancyoutcomebasedtimeandmaterials

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