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Accessibility Policy

We’re constantly working to make agenor.co.uk as easy to use and accessible to everyone. 

Pages on this website conform to the Worldwide Web Consortium’s (W3C) Web Content Accessibility guidelines “A” standard as default (and strive to achieve “AA” standard where possible).

Website accessibility in the UK is generally measured against guidelines and standards set by the Web Accessibility Initiative, where:

  • A is the most basic standard. Websites must comply with all WAI priority one checkpoints to achieve this standard;
  • AA is a higher standard requiring compliance with all WAI priority one and two checkpoints;
  • AAA is the highest standard, demanding compliance with all priority one, two and three WAI checkpoints.

We are making every effort to ensure that we don’t exclude any users. For example:

  • We try to use clear and simple language;
  • We try to use alternative text for all images;
  • We have tested the colours we use in the design for contrast;
  • We try to publish all our text content as accessible HTML rather than in other formats such as PDF;
  • Where we do publish PDFs or other formats we try to make them as accessible as we can.


Making our website fully accessible is an ongoing process, we are committed to offering a user-friendly experience.
If you experience any problems or have any feedback, please contact: marketing@agenor.co.uk