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The Role of Quality Assurance & Testing in Digital Accessibility

by Andrew Bassett, on Jul 10, 2023 7:46:54 AM

Access keys on computer keyboard for people with disabilities


Digital accessibility is a crucial aspect of modern-day technology that aims to provide equal access and usability for individuals with disabilities. As the World Health Organisation reports that 1 in 6 people experience significant disability, it becomes imperative for organisations to prioritise accessibility in their digital products and services. In this blog post, we will explore the role of quality assurance and testing in ensuring digital accessibility and how it contributes to creating inclusive experiences for all users.

Understanding Digital Accessibility:

As someone with a background in quality assurance, I recognised the importance of gaining a deeper understanding of digital accessibility. It involves recognising different accessibility needs and the challenges individuals face when accessing applications and the web. Additionally, understanding the assistive technologies and adaptive strategies used to make digital content accessible to everyone is crucial.

To enhance my knowledge in this area, I recently completed the free self-paced online course, 'Introduction to Web Accessibility,' offered by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C is an organisation dedicated to developing standards and guidelines for web accessibility, making it an excellent resource for learning about the subject.

Key Learnings:

The course provided valuable insights into various aspects of digital accessibility. Here is a summary of the key takeaways:

  • People can experience a wide range of disabilities, both long-term and short-term. Consequently, the assistive technologies and adaptive strategies available are equally diverse. Some examples include:
    • Physical disabilities: Keyboard alternatives, control switches, and speech input.
    • Visual impairments: Screen readers, Braille keyboards, iOS VoiceOver, and Android TalkBack.
    • Low vision: Screen magnification.
    • Hearing impairments: Closed captions and transcripts.
    • Speech impairments: Alternative ways to access content beyond speech.
    • Cognitive and learning disabilities: Flexible design options such as adjusting font styles, background colours, and using familiar icons.

W3C Standards and Guidelines:

The W3C has developed essential guidelines for web accessibility, known as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). These guidelines are structured around four principles:

  1. Perceivable: Ensuring information can be presented in different formats, including braille, varying text sizes, or text-to-speech options.
  2. Operable: Making functionality accessible through different input methods like keyboards, mice, sip-and-puff devices, or speech input.
  3. Understandable: Ensuring information and functionality are presented in a clear and understandable manner, including consistent navigation and simple language usage.
  4. Robust: Ensuring content can be reliably interpreted by a wide range of browsers, media players, and assistive technologies.

In addition to WCAG, the W3C has also developed guidelines for Authoring Tool Accessibility (ATAG) and User Agent Accessibility (UAAG).

Business Benefits of Accessibility:

Ensuring digital accessibility not only fosters inclusivity but also brings several benefits to businesses. By delivering products that are accessible to all users, organisations can achieve:

  • Wider customer reach by including individuals with different accessibility needs.
  • Enhanced reputation through a commitment to social responsibility, inclusivity, and diversity.
  • Cost-effectiveness by avoiding the need for costly retroactive accessibility modifications later in the development process.

The Value of Testing in Ensuring Digital Accessibility:

Testing plays a crucial role in ensuring that digital products and services meet the standards and guidelines of digital accessibility. It is through comprehensive testing that potential barriers and usability issues can be identified and addressed, ultimately enhancing the overall accessibility of a product. Here are some key ways in which testing adds value to the topic of digital accessibility:

  • Identifying Accessibility Issues: Testing allows for the identification of accessibility issues that may arise for users with disabilities. Through various testing techniques, such as manual testing, automated testing, and assistive technology testing, potential barriers in areas such as navigation, interaction, content readability, and multimedia accessibility can be detected. By uncovering these issues, developers and designers can make the necessary adjustments to improve the accessibility of their products.
  • Ensuring Compliance with Standards: Testing helps ensure that digital products and services comply with established accessibility standards and guidelines, such as the WCAG. By conducting thorough testing against these standards, organisations can ensure that their products meet the required accessibility criteria. This not only promotes inclusivity but also reduces the risk of legal and regulatory implications related to accessibility compliance.
  • Enhancing User Experience: Testing for digital accessibility goes beyond mere compliance. It aims to provide a positive and seamless user experience for individuals with disabilities. Through user-focused testing and feedback, organisations can gain valuable insights into how users with different disabilities interact with their products. This feedback can be used to improve the design, functionality, and overall user experience, making the product more intuitive and accessible to a broader range of users.
  • Iterative Improvement: Testing is an iterative process that allows for continuous improvement. By incorporating accessibility testing into the development lifecycle, organisations can identify and address accessibility issues early on, reducing the need for costly retroactive fixes. Regular testing throughout the development process enables teams to catch and rectify issues promptly, resulting in a more accessible and inclusive end product.
  • Building Trust and Reputation: Prioritising digital accessibility through thorough testing demonstrates an organisation's commitment to inclusivity and user-centric design. By ensuring that their products are accessible to all users, organisations can build trust and establish a positive reputation among diverse user groups. This commitment to accessibility can attract a wider customer base and promote brand loyalty, ultimately contributing to business success.


Testing plays a pivotal role in ensuring digital accessibility. It not only helps identify and rectify accessibility issues but also ensures compliance with standards, enhances user experience, enables iterative improvement, and builds trust and reputation. By embracing comprehensive testing practices, organisations can create digital products and services that are truly inclusive and accessible to all users, regardless of their abilities.

Remember, making digital products and services accessible to all is not just an ethical obligation; it is an opportunity to empower and provide equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Let us strive together to unlock inclusivity and create a digital world that embraces everyone.

To delve further into W3C accessibility standards and guidelines, you can find additional reading material in the Accessibility Fundamentals Overview on the Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI) section of the W3C website


About Agenor

Agenor is a leading Project Delivery as a Service (PDaaS) provider. We have 18+ experience in successfully planning and implementing large-scale, complex digital transformation programmes in some of the world’s largest organisations. This includes a full range of testing capabilities to help you achieve your organisation's business and technical goals. 

Our PDaaS allows businesses to outsource some or all of their project management needs to our experienced teams, who work closely with clients to ensure that projects are delivered on time, within budget, and to the highest standards of quality. By using our service, clients can focus on their core business while we take care of the project management and delivery details.

Contact us today to learn more about how our Project Delivery as a Service can help your business succeed.

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Topics:Testing ServicesconsultancyQuality AssuranceDigital Accessibility


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